
Digital transformation isn't just for Silicon Valley companies or young startups. It goes across all types of sectors and activities. And it is everywhere.

It's a way of life for organizations at any size expecting to survive in the next decade.

Our world today is undeniably digital.

The pandemic has accelerated this transformation significantly, and it’s now a necessity rather than a trend. Organizations have been quick to understand the need to implement transformative technologies such as AI, analytics, IoT, blockchain and cloud platforms. And there is much more to come. But with this increasingly digital existence comes a growing need to strongly focus on business processes, business rules, and business policies. At the same time, the problem is that this crisis may—and most likely will—delay the investment needed to develop digital solutions or to push digital transformation projects.

It all begins with the digital enabler.

Who has been the key enabler of digital transformation in your organisation?

  1. The CEO
  2. Coronavirus
  3. Trends

Answers 1 and 3 are connected. It all starts with leaders and establishing the culture, training the people, and finally, embracing the trends. From there, pair up your people’s skills with new technologies, and create an end-to-end digital transformation. The coronavirus is a unique window of opportunity for everybody in terms of transformation. Many organizations especially those with outdated legacy systems stuck on doing "business as usual", are now rapidly trying to adjust and hiring digital external competencies, creating rooms for digitalization to try and keep up. Some organizations, if not exposed, are more at ease using traditional ways. Here is where the coronavirus can help the adoption because if you are forced to use some solutions that you disregarded before then you can be more open afterwards and you will use them.

Make a change for your business, unlock growth to digital trust, increase the efficiency of what and how you do it. Deliver. Remain competitive.

Ability to transform.

Given the absolute need for digital transformation at an accelerated rate, how quickly is your organization responding?

  1. Digital ready and move fast
  2. Digital aware and getting ready
  3. Trying to solve a Rubik's Cube on a rollercoaster

The favourite ones are definitively 1 and 2. Both organizations are well-aware to live in a data-driven world that requires digital dexterity and customer-first innovation, are able to change the status quo and an entire culture to prioritize long-term digital transformation. Timing is everything though.

A ready to go digital organization has already shifted strategy, has worked on culture adjustment, and re-designed the process fast; automation investments have partially made to increase business agility and stayed ahead the disruption curve.

A digital aware entity instead acknowledges that the all-encompassing transformation strategy fully taps into the opportunities that digitalization has to offer, but needs to drive the digital journey itself. Your organization is still working on it and developing plans, probably the execution will happen in a medium, long term.

Latest and worst scenario number 3: the organization hasn’t gone digital at all, hasn’t prepared the thread to manage the innovation as well as a strategy plan, hasn’t prepared a culture to cultivate agility and digitalization, hasn’t prepared to embrace the change.

The way we live and work will never be the same. Disruption has become the norm and change is both exponential and constant. No company or organization can ignore the digital transformation and its consequences.

At Simpa. we recognize the issues and opportunities and help your digital organization to better handle business challenges thanks to creative and tech innovative solutions. We all know the world is changing. But can we really comprehend how fast these new technologies change our businesses and also our customer's needs? Do we know the opportunities of digitization and how it will affect your business, processes, people and culture?

Are you ready?

Simpa. is indeed.